New Guest Info!

Please read through carefully as we hope this page provides the information needed for planning your visit to our rock gym.

Why Choose Us??

  • Built in 1994, we have over 30 years of rock climbing experience!
  • Our gym was designed around mimicking outdoor climbing. We also provide a huge variety of challenges for climbers ranging from basic training, those looking to get into indoor competition or to climbers seeking outdoor adventure.
  • Our service goes beyond the front desk; our staff are friendly and engaging and are happy to share everything they know about climbing with you.
  • We are a great non-intimidating gym for beginners and children. While we have challenges for all levels of climbers, we are a great gym for beginners looking to try climbing for the first time.
  • We offer FREE on-demand belay lessons.
  • We have features like no other! From full height cracks, ceiling climbs, aretes and more, we are completely hand-built so you will not find another gym like us!
  • Our $20 Day Pass offer grants you a full day of fun and exercise and access to both climbing and caving (see more pricing options here).

About Our Activities/What We Offer

We offer 3 types of climbing:
Bouldering – a form of free climbing.

Bouldering is a type of climbing you can do by yourself or if you do not have a partner. Because bouldering uses no harness or rope there is a risk of free falling. Climbers are permitted to only go up to 6′ from the ground. We have bouldering options on all of our walls and based on our set up, climbers can traverse (climb across vs up) our walls and make one long, continuous climb (up to 100′!) without taking a break! Bouldering is still climbing and offers the same workout and experience as any other climbing.

Top Rope – Using ropes anchored to the ceiling.

Top Roping is a partnered type of climbing which gives you access to the full height of our climbing walls, including across the ceiling on some routes! All new guests go through our FREE belay lesson to receive instruction on how to properly clip into and manage the climbing ropes for one another. If you have a partner who is not interested in climbing but will belay for you, they are only charged our harness rental fee, no day pass needed!

We do not have auto-belays.

** IMPORTANT: All kids under 10 yrs old need to be partnered with a parent/adult in a 1:1 ratio. The adult will be the designated belayer. You can read more about our age policy here.**

While climbing can be hit/miss for our young guests, we are able and welcoming to gear up climbers as young as 4 yrs old! Just be mindful that the climbing experience will vary for our younger guests.

Kids who are not a paid climbing guests will not be permitted on the climbing floor.

Lead/Sport Climbing – Clipping through bolted anchors to create your own path.

Our gym has dozens of lead routes across the gym, including full-length ceiling leads and mock multi-pitch anchor chain systems. Climbers looking to lead climb must already be proficient in the required skills AND be able to demonstrate all this proficiency in order to go through our QUICK check out with a staff member OR set up a private lesson in order to become certified by our gym by learning the necessary techniques.

Caving – Tunnel system behind our walls, creating a mock spelunking experience!

With nearly 1/4 mile of tunnels, cavers will discover unique features such as crystalline mirror rooms, a glass slide, cargo net and full-room zip line! All guests will need to pass through our cave simulation test box before entering the caves. The caves will be challenging to some as there are parts of complete darkness. While we do not allow cell phones or flashlights, we will permit glow sticks – we do not provide them ourselves so you must bring your own! Anyone under the age of 9 yrs old will need to be accompanied by a parent/adult. Caves are not suitable for anyone under the age of 7 yrs old. Access to our caving activity is included in the day pass!

How to prepare for your visit

  • ALL guests participating in our activities or simply stepping out onto the climbing floor to spectate will need a copy of our waiver form filled out.
  • Ensure all kids under 10 yrs old will have an adult partner in a 1:1 ratio (no higher ratio will be permitted for the safety of everyone in the gym). These adults will have an active role! Learn more about what that entails here.
  • If looking to do more than boulder, grab a friend! We will teach them how to belay for FREE!
  • Wear comfortable clothing and bring socks to use while renting our climbing shoes. People with long hair – bring a hair tie to avoid tangling in our belay devices!

Looking for something more?! Check out the programs we offer, book a private lesson or celebrate your next party with us!

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